If you are a fan of Ghostly World, you may want to check out some of the sources we use for our content.
Exploring the Unexplained by TIME Magazine
Ghosts by Christopher Maynard
Ghosts Among Us by Leslie Rule
Ghost Towns of the West by William Carter
Lighthouse Ghosts by Norma Elizabeth & Bruce Roberts
Haunted Northern California: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Golden State by Charles A. Stansfield, Jr
Haunted Places: The National Directory by Dennis William Hauck
Is Your House Haunted? Poltergeists, Ghosts or Bad Wiring by Debi Chestnut
Spooks of the Valley by Louis C. Jones
World’s Most Spine-Tingling “True” Ghost Stories by Sheila Anne Barry
World’s Scariest “True” Ghost Stories by Margaret Rau
World’s Strangest “True” Ghost Stories by John Macklin
World’s Weirdest “True” Ghost Stories by John Beckett