Ghosts & Hauntings

Two businessmen planned to spend the night in a small town while en route to Montgomery, Alabama on business. Travelling down the low country road, they spotted a figure in the distance. When they grew closer, they realized it was a demure, tidy-haired elderly woman in a crisp, clean pale lavender dress walking at a brisk pace alongside the road.

A ghostly woman sitting at her own grave.

It’s not uncommon for children to tell their parents they have seen a ghost or have a monster hiding under their bed or in their closet. They may have an imaginary friend they refer to as vividly as a real-life friend. In most casts, this is the result of an active imagination. What if it seems like something much stranger is afoot? What do you do?

Not everything that we think may be paranormal actually is. Some of the most common forms of environmental causes are listed below in this guide.

Glasses, a notebook, and camera lenses.

The goal of the skeptic is to debunk a haunt. The goal of the believer is to prove it. Both will go to great lengths to justify their claims and support their argument. The best approach is open-mindedness and critical thinking.

Street-view of the Hollywood sign.

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In 1883, the plot of land where Waverly Hills now stands was purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays to build his family home. Since it was too far from any schools, Hays opened his own on the property for his daughters. Lizzie Lee Harris, the teacher he hired, was a fan of Walter Scott’s Waverley novels and named the schoolhouse “Waverley School.” Mr. Hays liked the peacefulness of the name and dubbed his own property “Waverley Hill.” The Board of Tuberculosis Hospitals kept the name after buying the land, but changed the spelling to “Waverly Hills” for reasons unknown.

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Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

The Loquet Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable
solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.